Sunday, 8 May 2011

Operation 8 update

By Graeme Tuckett Dom Post Sat May 7 (print only) Pg A28

The aftermath of the 2007 police raids in the Ureweras, and of various households around Auckland and Wellington, is about to play out in our courts.  Errol Wright and Abi King-Jones' film on the background to these raids, and of how it came to pass that black-clad and masked, heavily armed police found themselves holding women and children hostage without access to food or outside contact, is as timely as it is shocking.

Operation 8 carefull and rigorously advances the theory that if you tell a group of police investigators to go and find some terrorists, then after a year of two they will feel duty-bound to at least point the finger - if not the assault rifle-at someone.

whether or not anyone in the Ureweras was actually planning murder and mayhem is for the court to decide.  Having seen operation 8, you will seriously doubt it.

Interviewing ex-Red Squad member and National Party MP Ross Meurant was a coop for Wellington's Wright and King-Jones.  That he provides the most damning commentary of all on the actions of our police and government should be enough to convince most viewers that this film needed and deserved to be made.  Operation 8 is a terrific piece of NZ film-making.  Go see for yourself.

and Tracey Watkins, same paper, same day, Pg A25 under the headline Black and White Don't Make Grey. (Not Governor Grey surely?)

After worrying that the upcoming election was going to be shades of grey, suddenly it looks as if we're going to get fireworks instead.

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