Remember when they told us this was Godzone
Before Muldoon was gone
When they put on a concert party for every tourist
When the real kiwi bloke only ate meat
and slapped one up the sheila when she was on heat
When the old man was watching sport on tv
and the old lady was wishing she was free
when the boy would clean the car
before he hit the tar
and the daughter would be in her pre heat curlers
before her heavy date
with her skin tight wranglers
when the baby's nappies were full of piss
and 2.7 kids would guarantee suburban bliss
a time when all your nightmares
were washed in a horrible, deep dark blue
the sheep would go to church
on a Sunday, and pray
that the shitheap would be cleansed one day
When Bowie pulled as big a crowd as the Blacks vs the Boks
In the land of Rugby, Racing and Beer
Sat nite smash over a queer
When molesters started making the news
but not the one wearing the catholic shoes
bless another bottle of port
he's never gonna get caught
when at eleven pm the country was dead
the goodnight kiwi having put
the sane and normal slaves to bed
And giant liquor junkies
could buy up beehive flunkies
when dickheads would give bastards knighthoods
for milling the native woods
and remember when it was
compulsory gym frocks
and sand paper shorts
when the race would start with school reports
It was fucked but that's taken as read
got to get to work, need more money,
the Joneses are getting ahead
If this ever was Godzone
then God must be fucken bent
what are we?
God's little experiment.
copyright: PK Publishing 1984
I'm also known as Pete K, scaffolder from New Welhi, home of the Shalimar Dairy and Neil Patel, our very own Slumdog Millinaire.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Saturday, 25 June 2011
All Grown Up Eh?
Ahh the perfect rock and roll dream team, the wise old bastards eh?
All grown up and mature like but still very bent, I really really like this album and let's face it there are a million ways to enjoy this album.
I mean, admittedly, there is a part of me that wants to be all cynical and shit and just call it a star fuckfest but that would be somewhat churlish and mean spirited given the talent that is in abundance on this project.
So a new beginning then? A chance to reunite, after all whaddya gotta lose? Nothing right? When they go out on tour, on a most important journey, you must see them live before they are up and gone....
Every day I wake up and think, `am I the only one that gets it?' But no, Jonny -Shayne - Gary - the Girls - they get it too, if you're gonna do this it has to be your A-game, right Jon?
The best music is never a long way off, most of the time it is just near here, bitta Dunedin, bitta Wellington, bitta coastal, bitta lounge on anniversary day innit?
So Please fucking wake up, I implore you, and check out this fascinating body of work from the Adults, who are very fucken grown up now alright.
All grown up and mature like but still very bent, I really really like this album and let's face it there are a million ways to enjoy this album.
I mean, admittedly, there is a part of me that wants to be all cynical and shit and just call it a star fuckfest but that would be somewhat churlish and mean spirited given the talent that is in abundance on this project.
So a new beginning then? A chance to reunite, after all whaddya gotta lose? Nothing right? When they go out on tour, on a most important journey, you must see them live before they are up and gone....
Every day I wake up and think, `am I the only one that gets it?' But no, Jonny -Shayne - Gary - the Girls - they get it too, if you're gonna do this it has to be your A-game, right Jon?
The best music is never a long way off, most of the time it is just near here, bitta Dunedin, bitta Wellington, bitta coastal, bitta lounge on anniversary day innit?
So Please fucking wake up, I implore you, and check out this fascinating body of work from the Adults, who are very fucken grown up now alright.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Just Downloading it Now
In the process of scooping up the whole album now from amplifier and I must say Jonny and the crew do not disappoint. When they play here live next month they will go off, gonna b a primo gig no doubt about it.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
At Last - A Monday to look forward to.
The Adults Album Will Be Released On MONDAY 20 June
With a vast collection of musical ideas and a bit of downtime, Jon began work on a project which has now become The Adults, a celebration of his work with some of New Zealand's brightest talents and an iconic Kiwi album in-the-making.
The Adults are Jon Toogood (Shihad), Tiki Taane, Shayne Carter (Straitjacket Fits/Dimmer), Anika Moa, Ladi6, Julia Deans, Gary Sullivan (Jean Paul Sartre Experience/Dimmer), Nick Roughan (Skeptics), Ruban & Kody Nielson (The Mint Chicks), Warren Maxwell (TrinityRoots/Little Bushman), Ricki Gooch (TrinityRoots), Redford Grenell (Shapeshifter) and Steve Bremner.
With their debut, self-titled album set for release on 20 June, The Adults have given us a preview of what is to come with the tasty sweet soul of Nothing To Lose which has gone on to become a number one Alt Radio hit.
One Million Ways (the first official single) is one of the many standout tracks - infectious and epic in equal measure. Other highlights include the Anika Moa lullaby-esque Sleep Me Tight, good friend Julia Deans on the optimistic New Beginning and co-pilot Shayne Carter on Most Important. The result is a collection of songs - beautiful in its eclecticism.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
The Wave Spreads
Well the stupid incompetent IT staffers working for the Labour Party are certainly managing to get the word out regarding their incompetence, it's gone international now.
The Whale harpooned them good and proper this time.
The Whale harpooned them good and proper this time.
Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Jonny in this episode of the Daily Show has a wee dig at NZ politics. Good show considering it's fronted by an American.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Good example of Hypocrisy
Now here's a perfect example of hypocrisy for you.
Catholic fathers, balls, and banning same sex dates, hmmmm - is it just me or is there anybody else who sees the gaping hole here?
Catholic fathers, balls, and banning same sex dates, hmmmm - is it just me or is there anybody else who sees the gaping hole here?
Monday, 13 June 2011
Things are warming up at Sea World
Well Whale is certainly carving a wave inside the beltway tonight.
There will be a few labour party staffers and donors singing the old Enz song, `I see Red, I see Red, I see Red' by now I reckon, 2 nil to the Whale so far....
There will be a few labour party staffers and donors singing the old Enz song, `I see Red, I see Red, I see Red' by now I reckon, 2 nil to the Whale so far....
Sweden, all good with Ponytails, Profits, and 6.4% growth
Finally some good news from Europe that doesn't involve bankruptcy, bailouts or bunga bunga.
Finance minister with a pony tail, wonder if he knows Steve Jobs? If not he should.
Finance minister with a pony tail, wonder if he knows Steve Jobs? If not he should.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
This Guy's got an Interesting Story
Kimmy had this guy on her show yesterday, had a very interesting life so far and his story about giving the fingers to the evil cigar smoking, whiskey swillin record exec whores and walking out on the contract negotiations was a good yarn.
Douggie never sold out man but boy could he play a wicked guitar.
Douggie never sold out man but boy could he play a wicked guitar.
It would seem Whaleoil has been able to breach the inner sanctum of the Labour Party's data base and pull some very juicy info out before they were able to lock down access.
This could cause some severe sphincter rictus amongst the chosen ones in days to come.
Good time to go Whale watching I reckon:)
This could cause some severe sphincter rictus amongst the chosen ones in days to come.
Good time to go Whale watching I reckon:)
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Meet the Harawiras
The Jono Project was quite a surprise last night.
Designing, conceptualising, scripting and then negotiating a guest comedy appearance from one of the scariest families in the country was a masterstroke on Jono's part, much better than the appearance on stage by Hone last week at the huge Destiny Stage Show.
Best line of all was when Hone said to Jono, shaking his head, `And taxpayers money is paying for this rubbish!'
Comedy is all about timing and that was the perfect time for that joke.
Designing, conceptualising, scripting and then negotiating a guest comedy appearance from one of the scariest families in the country was a masterstroke on Jono's part, much better than the appearance on stage by Hone last week at the huge Destiny Stage Show.
Best line of all was when Hone said to Jono, shaking his head, `And taxpayers money is paying for this rubbish!'
Comedy is all about timing and that was the perfect time for that joke.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Hughsey and the News....
Dazza eh – living, breathing proof that the Big Bang Theory is true as it pertains to the microscopic galaxy that is politics in NZ.
The time has come for Gingas to go Global, Off to the Big Apple for you Dazza…He, Helen and the Princess might run into Dommied Strauss-Kahn and his missus and they can all check out the real seat of power.
Monday, 6 June 2011
The Story So Far: What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism
Here's an interesting link for anyone interested in the Business of Digital Journalism.
are three local examples I can think of, of where it's headed.
are three local examples I can think of, of where it's headed.
Hastings, Napier, and WellWood
Turns out there's a lawyer in Hastings who is all for Hastings merging with Napier and his name is Guy Wellwood!!!
Apparently he's about as popular as a hippie at an art deco party.
After he has finished convincing the 14 empirical minions of Hastings to fold up their tent and secede to Napier maybe he could turn his attention to the name Wellywood and secure copyright on it eh?
Apparently he's about as popular as a hippie at an art deco party.
After he has finished convincing the 14 empirical minions of Hastings to fold up their tent and secede to Napier maybe he could turn his attention to the name Wellywood and secure copyright on it eh?
The Flying Bus Theory
How easy is it to hit George W Bush with a bus fired from a catapult? A group of Wellington artists staged an unusual performance on the grounds of Parliament this afternoon to find out - and to bring attention to the case against the Urewera 18.
Ben Knight, part of the Concerned Citizens artists' collective, said the act was staged to comment on some of the allegations surrounding the so-called ''terror raids'' of 2007.
Using a Bush impersonator, a mocked-up catapult and pillow ''buses'', they fired on the former president in front of onlookers at the Beehive.
''We wanted to test the feasibility of the assassination plot that police were so concerned about - a catapult, designed to launch a bus onto the head of former US president George Bush.
''We tried using real buses at first but they performed even more poorly than the pillows.''
People had reacted positively to the performance, Knight said, although Bush received some sour glances.
Knight said it might sound ''pretty silly'', but the charges laid against 18 people after the 2007 raids had seriously affected their lives for four years.
A number of prominent figures have also spoken out against the handling of the case, including civil rights lawyer Moana Jackson and Professor Jane Kelsey.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Sponge Bob Carter eh?
See princess snout trougher is off to biggest trough of all. Most intersting quote in the article was this one:
`Until it's in the hand, it's not in the bag'
Now what exactly does he mean there? I mean I don't want to read too much into it and I don't know whether it's just me but I'm sure that sounds a bit gay?
`Until it's in the hand, it's not in the bag'
Now what exactly does he mean there? I mean I don't want to read too much into it and I don't know whether it's just me but I'm sure that sounds a bit gay?
Is the international food system in crisis?
Very good item on Nat Rad this morning about that thing we all need regardless of race, culture, creed - FOOD. Goes along with my theory that if you put shit in the dirt you end up with E-coli in your veggies, fascinating stuff.
11.05 Ideas:
Earlier this week Oxfam made headlines around the world with the release of a report claiming food prices for staple commodities would double over the next 20 years, potentially resulting in an unprecedented reversal in human development. Ideas talks to: Oxfam New Zealand’s campaign and advocacy director John Stansfield; Otago University professor of sociology Hugh Campbell, and Dr Karen Cronin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Research.
Presented by Chris Laidlaw
11.05 Ideas:
Earlier this week Oxfam made headlines around the world with the release of a report claiming food prices for staple commodities would double over the next 20 years, potentially resulting in an unprecedented reversal in human development. Ideas talks to: Oxfam New Zealand’s campaign and advocacy director John Stansfield; Otago University professor of sociology Hugh Campbell, and Dr Karen Cronin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Research.
Presented by Chris Laidlaw
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Operation 8 Update
Kimmy had Errol and Abi on her show this morning.
Very illuminating and it sounded to me like Kim also suspects it may have been a fit up to quell dissent or she may have been quite cynical, hard to tell really but that's what makes her so good.
Very illuminating and it sounded to me like Kim also suspects it may have been a fit up to quell dissent or she may have been quite cynical, hard to tell really but that's what makes her so good.
Concerned Exhibition with a Citizens Auction
Went to the exhibition in Garret St last night, very good turnout. Some I expected to see there but got a surprise when Duncan Sarkies showed up.
Put a bid of three hundy on this work by
Put a bid of three hundy on this work by
Mercedes Webb-Pullman
called Tame the Iti.Think I might have got it, must find out when the silent auction closes. Auction closes tomorrow night (Mon 6/11) at 8 o'clock but it's already up to $350 so that's me out.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Big Fitzy has finally seen the wood for the trees
The Airport have stepped away from the `SIGN', keep thinking of that song,`I saw a sign, it opened up my mind, I saw a sign'
Anyway somebody who gets paid a shitload for their PR counsel have finally twigged that it's Ixnay on the Ignsay, bit like when Dubbya was told to go easy on the word crusade post 9/11.
And of course we can always rely on Lyall Bay to nail it precisely, after all it's important to nail everything down if you live in Lyall Bay.
This morning (June 1) an anti-Wellywood sign was put up at Lyall Bay.
The "Backwood" sign was mounted on the wall along The Esplanade and was in the style of the Hollywood sign.
It could be seen on a webcam that is pointed toward Wellington International Airport.
Surfies who know where the web cams are, who woulda thought?
Anyway somebody who gets paid a shitload for their PR counsel have finally twigged that it's Ixnay on the Ignsay, bit like when Dubbya was told to go easy on the word crusade post 9/11.
And of course we can always rely on Lyall Bay to nail it precisely, after all it's important to nail everything down if you live in Lyall Bay.
This morning (June 1) an anti-Wellywood sign was put up at Lyall Bay.
The "Backwood" sign was mounted on the wall along The Esplanade and was in the style of the Hollywood sign.
It could be seen on a webcam that is pointed toward Wellington International Airport.
Surfies who know where the web cams are, who woulda thought?
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